What Are Tax Allowable Expenses?

Learn which expenses are tax-deductible for your business and how to optimize your claims with HMRC guidelines. Discover your allowable and non-allowable costs now.

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Expense report documents with calculator, pen, and glasses. Colourful folders labeled 'Expense Report' in background.

The expenses incurred in running a business will vary according to its nature. HMRC rules allow deduction of expenditure from business income only where it is 'wholly and exclusively' incurred for the purposes of the business.  

It must be possible to show that the expense was incurred solely for the benefit of the business. The expense must be justified primarily in terms of business reasons and any items purchased must be used in the business. 

Not all the expenses included in business accounts are allowable for tax purposes. But it is still important to include them, so that the commercial justification for purchases can be demonstrated.

Which types of expense are allowable?

The following types of expense are allowable for tax purposes:

Which types of expense are not allowable?

Expenses that are not allowable for tax purposes are payments made through the business or allowances for items that are not solely and exclusively for business use. These include:

What can be claimed when running a business from home?

Extra domestic costs incurred as a result of running a business from home are tax allowable.

HMRC will accept a reasonable calculation of these expenses provided it can be shown how the figure was arrived at in the accounts.

Based on the area, usage, or time a home is actually available to a business, a proportion of the general and establishment costs can be worked out. Where there is a separate office, workshop or studio, this may form, for example, one in five of the rooms in the home and so one-fifth of the following expenses would be allowable:

What is allowable under employee expenses?

Expenses allocated to employees can include:

What happens if a business claims expenses that are not allowable?

It is important to check receipts while bookkeeping during the year to avoid inadvertent inclusion of items that are not business expenses. 

If there is an enquiry about a sole trader's or partnership tax return, HMRC may start an investigation into the accounts, and any claims made will need to be backed up with documentation and explanations.

Accountants can support with assessing eligible expenses as part of financial preparations throughout the year.

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